Don't worry, I'll explain the title.
So, Pippin was a much different theatre experience than I have ever had before. Here's why. Pippin never showed up. I will not mention names. But yeah. For those who don't fully know the story of Pippin, here's the gist. King Charlemagne's son, Pippin, is looking for his meaning in life and is being guided around by the Leading Player, who is the devil, and he keeps getting let down, until he meets my character, Catherine. Catherine is just another player in Pippin's life, until, oops, she actually falls in love with him, and he with her, and then he's all, "Blah, no, nothing else has worked, so this possibly couldn't, I'm going to abandon her and her small child and be a baby about everything," but then when Pippin is about to be thrown into a pit of fire to achieve "the ultimate climax" Catherine appears and he doesn't kill himself, and they run away together never to return.
It's a really great show.
So, yeah. The character of Pippin was supposed to be played by a friend of mine, but after a weeklong vacation at the beach, he never showed up to rehearsal. And we only had three weeks of rehearsal anyways, and five days until the show opened, and the title character hadn't been there yet. So they recast. My darling friend Austin played Pippin, and my other friend Brady got Austin's old role of Lewis, Pippin's brother.
And then the madness began! Five days for this poor guy to learn an entire role, where seriously, he is on stage pretty much the entire show. But honestly, Austin went above and beyond. He learned pretty much all of his lines in the first day, had them all down by the third, learned all of his songs, and was such a pleasure to work with. I have no idea what was going through his head that week, but I'm sure he was scared out of his mind. And if he wasn't,
I was for him. But truely, I now cannot imagine anyone else playing Pippin but him.

The show was also filled with what was possibly the funniest cast party ever. All I gotta say is Tepuilas Mexican Restraunt, kareoke, Manny and Delvin. Yeah. Good times.
But, there was one thing about Pippin that was even more unfortuate than the lead not coming to rehearsals. I don't really know how to say what I want to say over the WORLD WIDE WEB, so I'm not going to. But let's just say that I learned my lesson in how to treat and support other cast members during stressful times. And how not too. I also learned during this show that all people are just that. Normal, everyday, flawed human beings, just like me. And even though someone you may look up to for a long time may seem like they are perfect, I must remember that they are not. But now it is behind. I love all of the people involved in that show still with every fiber of my being, and it really was a great way to start the season!
Thus the title of the blog today! I couldn't help but think during the opening about what a great first line to open FIRE's second season with. "Join us." Because truely, FIRE does have TONS of "Magic to Do." And the subtitle... Well besides the fact that "I guess I'll miss the man..." who originally was cast as Pippin (because now he will no longer be in the company), there are many other men who I miss, and I guess I never realized that until during the show. The ones that just left for college that I have been (unintentionally) watching grow into men (and who I miss very deeply in my soul), the men who I have gotten to know and work with last season at FIRE (who have also abandoned... I mean, left me.), and the guys (not men) who have hurt me. One in particular. I'll leave it up to you to decide who that is :). But honestly, the character of Catherine has been byfar the most difficult role I have ever played. She is SO complex with that whole play within a play, character within a character aspect. But once at SETC last year, I went to a workshop on acting in musical theatre, and the guy said that the part of the song you always forget is the part that is most important. And going off of that, I also believe that the part that is hardest to understand is the part of the show that you are most like; the answer is waiting just right on top of your soul, you are just shutting it out. Acting really is a strange psychological thing. Really, I learn more about myself through theatre doing whatever than I do at school or anything. And honestly isn't that what we are supposed to be doing in this life? I mean, that's not all we are supposed to be doing, but besides being fruitful and multiplying, we need to find our vocation from God. And I feel like in order to do that, I need to understand just who I am. That would help a lot wouldn't it?
Well, anyways, the show finished a LONG time ago, but I had to write about it! Now FIRE is on to The Music Man (aka MY FAV SHOW EVER!!... omg... i am kidding to the max), which is the first show since Godspell that I am not in. On my own accord, I didn't audition! But I have been to a few rehearsals, and it looks absolutely AMAZING! I cannot wait to see it! I'm gonna be the best audience member in the world! Haha!